24v conversion

Using 166 engine as base:
Hi , few guys have asked in lastvfew months for step by step procedure of what's involved in this conversion . Note the 164 24v is slightly easier to do . Note if using a GTA crank it will scrape slightly onto sump by 2mm by one of the rod bolts. So always hand turn motor when assembled to check .
166 24v 3.0 engine(Chain Driven oil pump) summary into 116 GTV
1)Rear crank spacer 3mm
2)Sump pan spacer 20mm or custom sump
3)Oil filter stud 20x1.5 - need to tap and glue in with EXTREME strength epoxy- make sure use oil filter with matching pitch and thick o-ring as steel rim of filter catches block . Note the centre on oil channel on block is not recessed like the 164 so don't use nut on stud . It will catch filter.
4)Alternator bracket and std gtv alternator with spaced pulley wheel . Use original attachment to block with only 2 bolts. Use a 5pk belt.
5)Water Reticulation - block heads at back, machine alm bracket at front to attach gtv (modified thermostat housing) for the short pipes. Don't take to much off as it will weaken. Can alos tap off the back with 6mm pipe .
6) Press trigger wheel onto pulley. Either machine thin so alternator belt does not touch or space water pump pulley by 5mm. This is ok if us 5pk belts
7)Custom exhausts
8) Custom plennum
9)Make sure breathers are connected to both banks.
10)Should move oil filler cap with extension away from brake booster between cam lobes to avoid leaking out cap from splashing.
11) Engine mounts - tap into block
12) New ecu
I will edit as I remember other mods. Also note you can take water out back of engine and pipe to front . I preferred not to .
Will also try find pics as well.
http://alfagtv6.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2648&hilit=166+engine+thermostat GTV6 Build with a 166 engine: http://www.alfaclubvic.org.au/forum/index.php?topic=2221.120


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git help
git config --list
git config --global push.default current
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git commit -m "initial project version"
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git diff --cached   #same as previous - old syntax
git commit   #commit without inline comment - will bring up editor for notes
git commit -a -m 'added new benchmarks'   #commit all tracked filed without need to stage them
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cd ticgit
git remote   #should say "origin"
git remote -v   #should show what the remote shortnames stand for
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git fetch [shortname]   #get data from remote about branches
git fetch origin   #fetches any new work that has been pushed to that server
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git remote show [remote-name]   #show info on remote status

git tag
git tag -a v1.4 -m 'my version 1.4'
git show v1.4

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git checkout master   #reverts your working directory to master branch

git checkout -b hotfix   #creates an adhoc branch "hotfix", you do changes
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git merge hotfix   #merge hotfix to master
git branch -d hotfix   #delete hotfix branch

git status   #see unmerged files after conflict
git add [file]   #after resolving conflicts, add resolved files
git mergetool   #opens up one of the merge tools (not needed if add used)
git commit   #to commit resolved issue

git branch -v   #will show which branch you are on
git branch --merged   #will show branches merged to your current one
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git branch --no-merged   #show branches not merged to current one
   #careful not to lose something that someone has worked on

$ git stash
$ git stash pop

$ git whatchanged --since="1 day ago" -p FILENAME

.gitignore file sample:
# a comment - this is ignored
*.a       # no .a files
!lib.a    # but do track lib.a, even though you're ignoring .a files above
/TODO     # only ignore the root TODO file, not subdir/TODO
build/    # ignore all files in the build/ directory
doc/*.txt # ignore doc/notes.txt, but not doc/server/arch.txt

Alot more on viewing git logs: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics-Viewing-the-Commit-History
Git autocomplete
Continue reading: http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Remote-Branches
Database refactoring: http://databaserefactoring.com/
Database models: http://www.databaseanswers.org/data_models/index.htm
Charting: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/ and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/119969/javascript-chart-library
http://wiki.nginx.org/Codeigniter http://kbeezie.com/nginx-and-codeigniter/ http://www.farinspace.com/codeigniter-nginx-rewrite-rules/